Industrial automation is the use of various control devices like PC’s/PLC’s/DCS, used to have control on various operations of an industry without significant intervention from humans and to provide automatic control performance. In industries, control strategies use a set of technologies which are implemented to get the desired performance or output, making the automation system most essential for industries.

Industrial automation involves usage of advanced control strategies like cascade controls, modern control hardware devices as PLC’s,sensors and other instruments for sensing the control variables, signal conditioning equipments to connect the signals to the control devices, drives and other significant final control devices, standalone computing systems, communication systems, alarming and HMI (Human Machine Interface) systems.


A smart city is a municipality that uses information and communication technologies to increase operational efficiency, share information with the public and improve both the quality of government services and citizen welfare.

While the exact definition varies depending on whom you talk to, the overarching mission of a smart city is to optimize city functions and drive economic growth while improving quality of life for its citizens using smart technology and data analysis.


ble-shepherd is a BLE network controller running on node.js. It is an extension of BLE central device that aims to help you in building a BLE machine network with less effort.

ble-shepherd has all the features you need in controlling your BLE network, monitoring and operating BLE peripheral devices. This controller has carried many network managing things for you, i.e., auto scanning for peripheral devices, storing(/reloading) connected devices records to(/from) the built-in database, configuring connection parameters, and notifying online/offline status of devices with auto reconnection.

With ble-shepherd, you can get rid of such networking things and focus on your application logics. It opens another way of implementing IoT applications with BLE devices. With node.js, you can build your own application console(or dashboard) and design your own RESTful APIs in seconds. It's easy to make your BLE devices happy on the cloud.


Power management is a computing device feature that allows users to control the amount of electrical power consumed by an underlying device, with minimal impact on performance. It enables the switching of devices in various power modes, each with different power usage characteristics related to device performance.